Directors' Information Page
This is some helpful information for directors to have on hand. Each band will have its own host or hosts to guide the group and answer any questions. They will provide you with a packet of information upon arrival in Sumner. We look forward to sharing the field with you!
Important Deadlines!
Registration fee is $325.00
Entry forms need to be received by October 1. If you need overnight accommodations, please let us know as soon as possible.
Payment must be received prior to your band taking the field. Failure to remit payment will result in a forfeiture of your group.
Program, school, band, staff and show information must be received no later than October 1. This is to ensure that the information printed in the program is accurate and complete. Please use the form provided or enter your information on-line.
Transportation and support vehicle information must be received no later than October 1. This is to ensure that we have alotted adequate space for your buses, trailers, and tents.
Please provide announcement scripts no later than October 15 so that our announcer can have ample time to assemble the entire day's scripts.
The following are our guidelines for creating a safe environment and effective flow for our competition.
Buses, Trailers & Support Vehicles
The current procedure for parking buses and support vehicles is unknown at this time due to the impending remodel of Sumner High School. Please check back often for further updates.
Stadium restrooms will be available throughout the day. Other facilities may be available, but the impending remodel of Sumner High School will dictate availability.
Visitor Side
The visitor side of the stadium is open to all bands while they are not performing. This is also the best ‘dry’ location for group photo opportunities. Bands are also welcome to join the home side, however, if attendance is high, we may ask for your band to remain on the visitor side of the stadium.
Home Side
Stadium pedestrian ramps will be closed during performances. If you miss your opportunity, you may stand along the fence-line and wait for the on-field band to complete their performance before the ramps will re-open to walk-through traffic.
Your band will be escorted to the warm-up field by your band host. Playing of instruments is allowed only in your band’s assigned area and only during your designated warm-up time. This includes Pit as well as Drum Line and Color Guard.
Field Entrance & Exit
This information will be provided along with the site map via the directors' Contest Dynamics links.
This area is NOT covered; please be advised that you will need to provide a covering for your pit instruments in inclement weather. Location, load-in, and load-out information will be provided with the site map the week prior to the event.
Performance Video & Judges Audio
Audio recordings of the judges' comments will be posted to each band's link on Contest Dynamics. These links will be provided to each group prior to the show. This will include one for the clinic and one for the competition performance. Each performance will be filmed and you will be provided one copy on a portable flash drive or DVD for your band at the end of the competition.
If you intend to leave the stadium at any time during the festival, please be sure to have your entry bracelet visible prior to re-entering the stadium. Exit and Re-entry are only available through the gates near the ticket-booth. Thank you for your understanding.
Outside Food & Stadium Concessions
We understand some groups may choose to provide lunch or snacks for band members. There are also many options surrounding the stadium. Please consider promoting our on-site vendors to your band members, staff, chaperones and guests as well. A percentage of the proceeds go to support the band through the Sunset Festival of Bands. We appreciate your support!
Entry Tickets for Chaperones
One ticket for every 10 students will be given for chaperones. Any additional chaperones will be required to pay prior to entry.
Performances are timed
To keep the event running smoothly, the time clock on the West end of the field will start as your band enters the field. Each band will have a total of 15 minutes to enter, perform and exit the field. If your band exceeds the time allotted, it will be disqualified.
Field Care and Requirements
Sunset Chev Stadium had a brand new track and turf field installed in the summer of 2012. We must treat it with care so it can be maintained for the intended life span of the surfaces.
Rules/guidelines for its use:
- No unprotected "Feet" on chairs, tents, props, equipment, anything making contact with the track or the turf, etc. for track or field.
- Anything moveable must have rubber wheels that are operating as designed - in good repair
- No motorized vehicles allowed
- Any damage to the turf or the track will result in a charge to the school causing the damage.
- No food or drinks are allowed on the track or field (other than water). This includes sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.
- Any garbage, etc. must be removed and placed in the proper receptacles
Instrument Repair
B Natural Music will be on-site to help you with any instrument repairs that might be needed. Their tent will be located in the vendor area near the home side entry gate.